Founded in 1980, Border Marketing, Inc. is a Manufacturers Representative Agency serving the underground utility industry.

This includes the following markets:

  • Municipal water and wastewater piping, and appurtenances.
  • Industrial application piping and specialty coatings.
  • Rehabilitation of existing pipeline and infrastructure, in water, wastewater, and industrial applications.
  • Natural gas distribution piping and appurtenances.

Border Marketing’s efforts are concentrated in the Southwestern United States, including Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada and Southwestern Texas.

Border Marketing, Inc. offers a wide range of services:

  • Design, application and specification assistance.
  • Product and installation training.
  • Technical assistance for new construction or rehabilitation projects.
  • Field demonstrations of new and existing technologies for construction and repair or rehabilitation of water, wastewater, industrial, and natural gas conveyance systems.